3 Rookie Investment Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re just getting started with investing, you may be prone to some rookie investment mistakes. Because the world of finance is often counter-intuitive of our emotions and gut reactions, it’s easy to get caught up in irrational decision-making when it comes to...

Investing Based on Politics: Is it a Wise Idea?

There has been a whirlwind of news about possible political policies and changes, coupled with the potential impact they could have on the economy. As an investor, it can be tempting to start investing based on politics because of these upcoming shifts. So, is it a...

This Cognitive Bias Can Derail Your Investment Plan

A made up mind is a very hard thing to change. This isn’t entirely due to humans being stubborn, however – studies have found that once you’ve formed an opinion, you subconsciously embrace any information that confirms your view, while ignoring information that casts...

3 Rookie Investment Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re just getting started with investing, you may be prone to some rookie investment mistakes. Because the world of finance is often counter-intuitive of our emotions and gut reactions, it’s easy to get caught up in irrational decision-making when it comes to...