This Cognitive Bias Can Derail Your Investment Plan

A made up mind is a very hard thing to change. This isn’t entirely due to humans being stubborn, however – studies have found that once you’ve formed an opinion, you subconsciously embrace any information that confirms your view, while ignoring information that casts...

How Should You Invest During Stock Market Highs?

You may have heard in the media that there have been a few recent stock market highs. The Dow Jones (a benchmark for a portion of the US stock market), for instance, broke into the headlines when it reached an all-time high of 21,000 points recently. When there’s...

Should You Try to Time The Stock Market?

Market timing is the act of moving wealth in and out of the stock market with the goal of gaining higher profits and avoiding losses. And it’s possibly one of the most debated and argued fields in investing. On one hand, some experts claim they can pull it off...