The innocuous dangers of anchoring in investing

When it comes to making financial decisions, we all like to think we’re rational creatures who make reasonable, informed choices. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Take shopping, for instance. Advertisers and business owners are well aware that purchasing...

3 Rookie Investment Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re just getting started with investing, you may be prone to some rookie investment mistakes. Because the world of finance is often counter-intuitive of our emotions and gut reactions, it’s easy to get caught up in irrational decision-making when it comes to...

Why Hindsight Bias is Dangerous in Investing

Whether it’s discussing the results of a sports game with friends or hearing television personalities talk about world events, we’re constantly inundated with people who proclaim they “knew it all along.” This propensity to look into the past and think we can connect...

3 Beginning Investing Mistakes You Should Avoid

When we learn and start something new, it’s often part of the process to make some mistakes. This is a truism in the complex world of investing. Unfortunately, unlike most learning processes, some mistakes in investing can be very costly. However, you’ll be happy to...