When Is the Best Time to Invest in the Markets?

Feb 24, 2016 | Blog, Investing

When is the best time to invest in the markets? This is a question many investors often ask themselves.

When markets begin to trend downward it can be easy to get caught up in the noise and have a knee-jerk reaction to investing. But a wise investor knows that reactionary, emotional behavior and the financial markets simply don’t mix.

Many investors train themselves to view the markets differently. Rather than panicking in the face of down market trends, they learn to view a falling market as an opportunity to invest. It might seem counter-intuitive, but shaky market conditions can be looked at as an advantage.

The markets over the long-term

If we look at market return data we can see that stocks have done well in the long-term. The markets have, over time, remained on an upward trend. Investors with a sound long-term portfolio plan are less concerned when markets dip, and they learn to view market volatility as an opportunity to obtain certain stocks at discounted prices.

When stock shares are cheaper, it can be a great time to grow your investment portfolio.

Investing requires training

A smart investor knows that investing for the long-term means ignoring a lot of the noise.  They learn to view market dips as a time to invest in the markets, and not a time to panic.

Interested in learning more about financial planning? Reach out to us today to discuss your portfolio with one of our fiduciary wealth management advisors and receive more information about the best time to invest in the markets.

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