A well-lived life is filled with change and transitions; new homes and careers, loved ones moving into and out of our lives. Most people’s feelings toward change are a combination of exhilaration and fear. Your ability to cope with change reflects your resilience. Practicing different ways of thinking about change can enhance your resilience and boost your ability to adapt. Take a look at some of the ways you can approach change to make it an opportunity to thrive.

Be Present
The ability to be present and aware in the moment you are living can have a very powerful effect on your ability to cope with change. During a transitional time, we have new information and experiences coming at us so quickly it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Focusing on where you are now helps to avoid ruminating about the past and worrying about what the future might hold. You can practice focusing on the moment by using mindfulness techniques.

Know What You Can Control
With change comes unknown variables. Empower yourself during transitions by becoming knowledgeable about what you are experiencing. Knowledge will help you feel less ‘in the dark’ about your new direction. For example, if you are anticipating a major career change gather information so you are prepared to face a variety of outcome. There will be elements you can control and ones you cannot. A little knowledge can help you shift to a positive mindset as you focus on taking action.

Stick To A Schedule
When life feels particularly chaotic a schedule provides security and can keep you moving forward. Try to stick to your schedule as much as possible or create a new one that compliments the change you’re experiencing. A schedule will keep your brain and body grounded. It will provide you with daily opportunities to meet goals and regain equilibrium.

When everything around you feels unstable, achieving a daily goal on your schedule can provide a sense of accomplishment and continuity.

We are all creatures of habit, take advantage of the comfort a schedule can provide during times of turbulence!

Ask For Help
Connections help us move through transitions successfully. Humans are social; we live in communities because we aren’t intended to handle life solo. Look to your friends, family, a therapist or counselor for wisdom and support. Sharing experiences and learning from others can help give you perspective, knowledge and an emotional boost. Remember to pay it forward when you have the opportunity. It feels great to be able to mentor someone else through a transition and it will increase your confidence as you approach future transitions.

Take Care Of Yourself
Prioritizing your health during times of change can seem impossible. Ironically, taking care of yourself is usually most important during times when you don’t feel like it. Prioritizing rest, exercise and diet will increase your ability to cope successfully with change. Your body and mind are connected. Taking care of your health means your mind will be in top form to roll with changes.

Change is necessary; it brings with it the richness of life and experience. Despite this, it is normal to find change stressful, even when it is positive. Know that transition is temporary, and it is within your power to cope with it successfully. Try using some of these tips to boost your resilience. You might be pleasantly surprised to find yourself looking forward to your next chapter!

Call to action
Do you think my tips were helpful in re-directing your focus and goals? Please share the article and shout out to me on Twitter!

You can also check out my firm LexION Capital for more tips on how to grow your wealth and become financially secure.

Originally published on Medium.com

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